Safety is at the core of our actions. Nationwide Power’s biggest asset is our employees. Having a top notch safety and training program, along with staying up to date on the various health and safety regulations is key to the safety and success of not only Nationwide Power, but to the customers we serve.
Nationwide Power is the proud recipient of the SHARP Award. The SHARP award is a voluntary health consultation program that goes a step further from standard OSHA inspections. The purpose of the SHARP program is to help employers identify and resolve potential hazards in the workplace and improve safety programs that are already in place. Learn more about S.H.A.R.P.
Nationwide Power has spearheaded the Critical Power Professional™ Training program, in an effort to create a standard of excellence and a stronger level of consistency across the critical infrastructure industry. This designation and credentialing program provides a structured, organized and disciplined growth path for those pursuing a career as a Field Service Engineer in the critical power industry. Learn more about the Critical Power Professional™ Program.
In addition to the Critical Power Professional™ Program, Nationwide Power utilizes various methods of training for the Field Service Engineer team on industry related safety. Below is a sampling of the required ongoing training requirements:
In conjunction with our on-line program, field service personnel also undergo Safety evaluation from field management, and have their PPE, such as High Voltage Gloves, part of a standard rotation to insure up to date calibration and safe use readiness.
SCATS – State of Nevada Safety Consultation and Training Section offers safety and health consultation service and employee training. Learn more about SCATS
Joseph continues to be one of, if not the best contractors/techs that visit us. He makes Preventive Maintenance on our critical power infrastructure easy. I have 100 other things going on, demanding my attention and I can just let Joseph work and do what needs to be done while I worry about other issues. He is always ready to go as soon as I arrive, kind, courteous, and respectful of my time.
Jeremy AUsman does a great job. I have always had a fantastic experience with Nationwide Power and Usman. Thank you.
Brett D