Superior UPS Battery Capacity Testing Services

Your uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system protects your critical equipment during unexpected power outages, maintaining consistent operation and data protection. However, the batteries within your UPS system are consumable components that degrade over time. Regular UPS battery capacity testing is crucial to identify potential issues early, preventing unexpected failures and costly downtime.

Nationwide Power offers exhaustive UPS battery testing services to restore your system back to peak performance and extend the life of your batteries.

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Benefits of UPS Battery Load Testing Services

Load bank UPS battery testing simulates real electrical loads, measuring the actual performance of UPS systems. This comprehensive testing helps in assessing the true condition of your battery setup. 

It offers numerous benefits such as:

  • Measuring true capacity: Unlike other tests that estimate battery health, a load bank test directly measures how long your batteries can deliver backup power at full capacity.
  • Revealing weak batteries: The stress of the full load reveals weaknesses in batteries that might go unnoticed in regular operation. This allows for early identification and replacement of failing batteries before they bring down your entire UPS system.
  • Verifying backup time: By using load bank testing, especially at a value similar to the actual load, the test results can provide you with how long your batteries can support your critical equipment during a power outage.
  • Improving system reliability: By proactively addressing weak batteries, load bank testing helps further re-assure that your UPS system can reliably handle the actual load during a power failure.
  • Reduced replacement costs: By replacing batteries before they fail completely, you can avoid the added expense of a sudden outage and potential damage to your equipment.

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Our Comprehensive UPS Battery Testing Solutions

We provide a suite of UPS battery testing services tailored to meet the specific demands of your UPS systems:

  • Load bank testing: Our UPS battery load testing simulates an actual power outage by placing a full load on the UPS system, forcing the batteries to deliver backup power just like they would during a real emergency. This comprehensive test ensures your batteries can handle peak loads during an interruption and comply with industry standards like NFPA110.
  • Impedance testing: Impedance testing measures the internal resistance of each battery cell without stressing the battery. This non-intrusive test helps identify signs of deterioration, allowing for early intervention before significant issues arise.
  • Failure analysis: In the event of a battery failure, we can perform a thorough analysis to identify the root cause and aid in preventing future occurrences.

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Your Trusted UPS Battery Capacity Testing Provider

Nationwide Power is your dependable critical power partner for all UPS battery testing requirements. Here’s why:

Our Critical Power Professionals™ have an average of 22 years of experience in all UPS battery testing and maintenance aspects. They are trained to perform tests according to IEEE standards and have a deep understanding of battery chemistry and mechanics.

With a vast network of professionals nationwide, we can offer timely and efficient service regardless of location.

Following each test, we provide a detailed report outlining performance results and recommendations for UPS maintenance or replacements. 

We work closely with you to understand your needs and develop a customized testing plan.

We maintain and support older UPS systems.

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Get Reliable Battery Capacity Testing for Your UPS Equipment Today

We are committed to helping business operations run uninterrupted through uncomplicated solutions. Contact Nationwide Power today for a UPS battery testing quote or to discuss your needs with one of our experts. 

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