Case Study #107 | Rotation Alarm

masthead-blue-ellipse-top masthead-blue-ellipse
a red light with a yellow base is on a black wall
ProductEaton 9315 225kVA
SynopsisAlarms being generated:

– “Phase Rotation”
– “Bypass Over Voltage”

UPS is in bypass and will not return online.
Preliminary ActionsThe technician found the rotation was correct and the “UPS OFF” alarm was being generated from bypass contactor not closing in.
ResolutionTraced phase rotation alarm back to the bypass transformer (CPT3). The transformer had burned itself up. Once the transformer was removed and replaced, the unit was still generating a “Bypass Over Voltage” and “UPS OFF” alarm with CB1 open. After rechecking all connections, the root cause of the alarms was traced to a bypass power supply (PS3) PCA attached to the DC capacitors. The components were replaced and the unit cam back online with no further issues.
Root CauseBurned up bypass transformer (CPT3), bypass power supply (PS3) PCA.

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