Case Study #152 | The Importance of the Critical Power Environment

masthead-blue-ellipse-top masthead-blue-ellipse
a lizard is laying on a white surface next to a motherboard of a Eaton/Powerware 9330-30kVA UPS

In this Nationwide Power™ Case Study, we show the importance of a controlled environment and how one can never be over-prepared for the unexpected. This case study specifically looks at the Eaton/Powerware 9330-30kVA UPS.

ProductEaton/Powerware 9330-30kVA UPS
SynopsisOur Critical Power Professional (CPP™) was onsite for age-based full capacitor and fan replacements. After completing the installation and trying to bring the unit back online, the display had no characters, and the unit would not come back online.
Preliminary ActionsAfter some initial troubleshooting and tracing back from the display, the CPP™ found that a lizard had shorted out the power supply and damaged the display board.
ResolutionThe CPP™ ordered a replacement power supply and display boards for next-day delivery. After replacing both boards, the CPP™ was able to bring the unit back online. With a full-service contract to stand behind, the customer was able to secure parts and labor for next-day installation.
Root CauseComponent failure was caused by an external source, in this case a lizard that was most likely searching for warmth. From time to time, and in different geographic regions, we encounter some unique environmental situations. Some of these can be prevented with strict environment controls, while others can be more challenging. Use best practices to keep your critical electrical equipment safe.
Additional ReadingOverheated UPS Batteries in Eaton 93E 30kVA

What Could Possibly Go Wrong – Eaton 9330 15kVA

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