Case Study #131 | Emergency UPS Service for a Discontinued Liebert NXb 30kVA UPS

masthead-blue-ellipse-top masthead-blue-ellipse
a white Liebert NXb 30kVA UPS model

Nationwide Power™ is the leading provider in the critical power supply industry. Our core business is the sales and service of uninterruptible power supplies and UPS batteries, along with supporting other critical power components such as emergency generators, switch gear, and HVAC.  We publish critical power related case studies, highlighting best practices and quality standards.

In this case study, we review the details of an emergency call we received from a contracted customer for a Liebert NXb 30kVA UPS.  To protect the confidentiality of the customer, the customer will be referred to as Company A.

ProductLiebert NXb 30kVA UPS
ApplicationData Center
SynopsisCompany A, a contracted customer, submitted a request for emergency service for their Liebert NXb 30kVA UPS unit that was in static bypass. The Liebert NXb UPS model was previously discontinued by the manufacturer; however Nationwide Power has ample parts on-hand, along with a Field Engineer crew that is experienced with this particular make and model.

Over the course of the service contract, Nationwide Power had performed routine preventive maintenance on the NXb UPS. During the previous 2 years, Nationwide Power informed and followed up with Company A regarding the unit’s DC capacitors, which were due for age-based replacement. Unfortunately, Company A was delayed in following through on the recommendation, which ultimately led to the unit failing and causing damage to other key components.
Preliminary ActionsUpon inspection and troubleshooting, the following items were identified as damaged and required replacement:
  • M4 board
  • Power supplies
  • Batteries
  • DC capacitors
ResolutionM4 board and power supplies are covered under the service contract between Company A and Nationwide Power.

The UPS batteries affected were still under warranty through the UPS battery manufacturer.

DC capacitors were out of tolerance and required immediate replacement. The DC capacitors were long overdue for age-based replacement. Age-based replacement items require approval/replacement by the company.
Root CauseMany UPS models can last well beyond the manufacturers stated end-of-life, including the Liebert NXb UPS, which was discontinued in 2014. The best chance of extending the life of any UPS unit beyond the manufacturer’s stated end-of-life is through regular maintenance with a reputable UPS service company and following age-based recommendations.

Ultimately, failing to follow age-based recommendations led to a series of events that have jeopardized this particular unit’s true end-of-life.
Additional ReadingIdentifying qualified UPS service providers:
Case Study 127: Read the Fine Print
News Article: The Importance of Preventive Maintenance

Nationwide Power provides 24/7/365 technical support to ensure that everything operates and transitions successfully before, during, and after any power outage.

We are your critical power infrastructure partner!

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