Case Study #113 | Failed Inductor

masthead-blue-ellipse-top masthead-blue-ellipse
yellow inductor with black damaged wrap next to clean white insulating wrap
ProductPowerware 9315 80kVA
ApplicationIT ā€“ Datacenter
SynopsisDuring regular preventive maintenance, found the input currents to be imbalanced as opposed to being balanced on previous preventive maintenance visit.
Preliminary ActionsIn performing further checks, and looking at the input currents at the input filter capacitors, found 0 amps of current on Phase ā€˜Cā€™.  Performed further checks and while looking through the top of the unit, discovered insulating wrap on the Phase ā€˜Cā€™ of input inductor significantly burned.
ResolutionTook the unit to Bypass Mode and isolated the [optional] Input Filter circuit by disconnecting contactor K6 in order to remove current flow through the inductor.
Root CauseFailed / faulty input capacitors going out of tolerance and causing excess heat at the inductor connection, or, failed / faulty input inductor.
zoomed in inductor with a red circle highlighting black insulating wrap

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