Nationwide Power™ is the leading provider in the critical power supply industry. Our core business is the sales and service of uninterruptible power supplies and UPS batteries. Our 57,000 square foot warehouse, with over $10 million in parts and equipment inventory, provides us the ability to service nearly all major makes and models of UPS equipment.
Additionally, Nationwide Power has built strong relationships with each of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) over the past two decades, allowing for the best possible support for our customers.
In this case study, a customer’s Eaton 9395 450kVA UPS system was in alarm. In collaboration with Eaton, the OEM, the issue was fully resolved within just 48 hours, and with no out-of-pocket expense to the customer.
Product | Eaton 9395 450kVA |
Application | Aerospace and Defense Technology Company |
Synopsis | A contracted customer called the 24/7 technical support line to report an Eaton 9395 450kVA UPS system in alarm status. After initial troubleshooting, Nationwide Power engaged the OEM. Thanks to the strong OEM relationships our team has established over the years, our customers have confidence in knowing that their equipment will be serviced in the best possible manner, which sometimes requires OEM involvement. Since the customer had a full-service contract with Nationwide Power, all expenses to repair the unit were covered by Nationwide Power, including the three OEM site visits. |
Preliminary Actions | On a technical support call, a Nationwide Power Critical Power Professional™ conducted initial troubleshooting and found the universal power module (UPM) 2 to be offline and DC current in limited condition. At this point, the OEM was engaged and arrived on site the same day. The Eaton Customer Service Engineer (CSE) determined that a wiring harness had been rubbing against a fan blade that shorted out the harness and caused a DC overcurrent on UPM 2. Parts were ordered for next day delivery, and the Eaton CSE returned the next day to complete the repair. After replacing the bad harness, the positive DC current was still measuring high. After further troubleshooting, it was determined that the DC link current transformer (CT) was damaged after they shorted out. Additional parts were ordered, and the OEM returned for a third site visit for final repair. |
Resolution | Replacement parts were shipped with priority service. Once the damaged CT was replaced, all alarms were cleared. Preventive maintenance (PM) was performed and the Eaton 9395 450kVA UPS was calibrated. There were no further issues and the UPS was left online and supporting the critical load. Occasionally, it is necessary to engage the OEM during a service call, either due to proprietary software or escalated repair needs. Over the past two decades, Nationwide Power has been committed to building strong relationships with all major OEMs, in an effort to provide a seamless service to our customers. Whenever an OEM is engaged under a full-service contract, there is no out-of-pocket cost to the customer. |
Root Cause | From time to time, at no fault to the customer, component parts in a UPS system fail. Because this customer has a full-service contract with Nationwide Power, the customer had no out-of-pocket expenses, which otherwise would have included time and material for the original troubleshoot, shipping expense, and the additional cost to engage the OEM. |
Additional Reading | Not all critical service providers have made the commitment to building strong relationships with each of the OEMs they support. As a result, there may be times when these service providers attempt to self-perform tasks that should require OEM engagement. For a common list of questions to ask when receiving quotes from multiple service providers, visit us at: |
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