Case Study #116 | CS – NXL Battery DCUV

masthead-blue-ellipse-top masthead-blue-ellipse
a diagram of a battery disconnected from a rectifier and inverter
ProductLiebert NXL Series UPS
ApplicationHealthcare / Datacenter
SynopsisClient found the alarms / condition of unit as: UPS in bypass, Battery breaker 1 open, Low battery shutdown, Rectifier fault. Customer had a blip to the load and lost some of the data center.
Preliminary ActionsUpon arrival, found UPS in Bypass Mode.
ResolutionRecommendation to customer to order replacement batteries.
Root CauseThe system’s batteries are 4 years old and very weak.  With actual load current, suspect batteries did not hold load and immediately dropped to DC Under-Voltage (DCUV) / low voltage shutdown.

Although battery voltage may look good while on-line and charging, this is not always indicative of good batteries.  Age and usage of the batteries has gotten them to a point of diminished capacity, and inability to support the load.

NP recommends that customers plan for budgetary battery replacements due to age prior to battery capacity becoming compromised due to age.  Also recommend customer give consideration to UPS 101 Critical Power customer training in order to better understand system functionality and operation.

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